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Certain experiences with spirit surprise even me ,after a week of readings and meeting lots of people both earthly and from spirit,I went to bed one evening really tired and was awoken around 4 am .I was so tired and said it's early please come back later there's no one for me to give your message to,he proceeded to tell me he had been killed in Afghanistan ,he mentioned shell and the name James not much more I can remember .
The following day I did my usual meditation and I asked in that reading if they had lost a soldier ,they hadn't and for a week or two I asked n asked I wanted to find his family because obviously he had come to me to let them know he was ok ,luckily on one of the readings a young woman I had seen prior to the soldiers visit  had sent her other half to me ,and yet again I asked the question.
He confirmed she had known n been to the soldiers funeral and knew the family ,I asked him would he pass on the message to her so she could inform them ,but there wasn't much information and not to make any fit.
Few days later I got a message on Facebook the profile pic was the soldier  but still I wanted confirmation ,I gave his mum my number and asked her to ring me I explained what had taken place and she listened there wasn't much proof because I wasn't awake ,but what little he gave she took ,she said she thought it was him and the biggest thing for her was him coming through around 4 am because that's when he used to phone her ,a reading was arranged for her and his brothers on the Saturday ,he didn't disappoint came through very strong .
I've seen the family a couple of times ,he's a lovely spirit energy full of mischief and a character ,too young really some would say to have passed to spirit  and serving  to try and help others that often turn on each other let alone our soldiers,his mum has done him proud in how she's coped with his death and helps others soldiers families too ,this was a lovely experience and one I wanted to highlight ,there's been a few in 16 years ,where there's a will there's a way ,they will get the message to those that really need it if they can.


"this is my husband sergeant peter rayner, he was killed in Afghanistan in October of 2010. tracey helped me find some peace of mind when she gave me a reading, things she said only me and peter knew, and even some I had forgotton till she mentioned them. I would recommend tracey to anyone wanting to find some peace of mind, as our loved ones maybe gone but there spirits do live on. xx"

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